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Town Hall Meeting

Event Starts: December 12, 2023

City: Fort Worth
State: Texas
Country: USA


Location: Shamblee Library Meeting Room 1062 Evans Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104

The purpose of this town hall meeting is to provide you with community updates and answer any questions that you may have. Legacy Southwest Property Management will be available to help answer any questions or concerns you may have at this time. We hope you can join us!

Tarrant Oak Ridge HOA Property Management

Comments 2

  1. Laura Villanueva 11 Dec

    Will the minutes be available for people who work late?
  2. Nancy Akanni 11 Dec

    I live on Cross Ridge.  Since Oak Ridge has been built, speeding up and down our street is out of control.  I have notified Fort Worth City, but thur far, no results.  Just backing out of my driveway is a hazard.

    We need some sort of speed control from Lowrey Road to Randal Mill.  We are trying to be good neighbors, but we were here before Oak Ridge was developed, and need something done about the speeding before there is serious injury or even death, especially dangerous for children.

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